ADIPS ASM Grants and Awards

Apply during abstract submission AND HERE as you need to provide supporting documents.  All supporting documents for these awards should be submitted using the links on each award below  If you wish to be considered for multiple awards, you can use the same documents and any of the links below.  All questions to be directed to the ADIPS Secretariat on email

Applications and supporting documents for prizes must be received by the due date or the application will not be considered.  Submit your application using the links below each award.

Graz Clock Award

For the best overall oral presentation overall at Annual Scientific Meeting presented by an ADIPS member. Must be a financial ADIPS member prior to the ASM. No application required for this award - eligible presenters will be considered.  Prior winners of the Graz Clock Award are ineligible for this award.
Value : A$600


Emerging Investigator Award

For the best oral presentation at Annual Scientific Meeting by an emerging investigator defined as a medical student, advanced trainee, a person enrolled for a higher degree (Honours, Masters, PhD) or any other presenter who could reasonably be considered “junior” or emerging. i.e. not an established investigator. Must be a financial member of ADIPS prior to closing date for applications. In addition to submitting the abstract, the applicant should submit a brief CV and a supporting letter from his/her supervisor using the link below.  Enquiries should be sent to the ADIPS Secretariat at  If this person wins the Graz Clock award, the Emerging Investigator Award is given to the next best emerging investigator. Prior winners of the Graz Clock Award are ineligible for this award.
Value : A$600

To apply CLICK HERE and upload your documents.  Please make one PDF of your support documents.


Educator, Nurse and Allied Health Presentation Award

For the best oral presentation given at the ADIPS ASM by a diabetes educator, nurse and midwife, dietitian or an allied health professional. Must be a financial member of ADIPS prior to closing date for applications. In addition to submitting the abstract, the applicant should submit a brief CV and a supporting letter from their supervisor using the link below.  All enquiries should be directed to the ADIPS Secretariat at If this person wins the Graz Clock Award, the Educator Health Presentation award is given to the next best allied health oral presentation. If there are no oral presentations by allied health professionals at the ADIPS ASM, the Allied Health Presentation Award may be given to the best poster presentation by an educator health professional, unless this person wins the Outstanding Poster Award. Prior winners of the Graz Clock Award are ineligible for this award.
Value : A$500

To apply CLICK HERE and upload your documents.  Please make one PDF of your support documents.


Outstanding Poster Award

For the best poster presentation at the ADIPS ASM by an emerging investigator (defined above). Must be a financial member of ADIPS prior to closing date for applications. In addition to submitting the abstract, applicant should email a brief CV and a supporting letter from his/her supervisor to the ADIPS Secretariat at Prior winners of the Graz Clock Award are ineligible for this award.
Value : A$500

To apply CLICK HERE and upload your documents.  Please make one PDF of your support documents.


Travel Grants

A maximum of five Travel Grants will be awarded to emerging investigators (defined above) who have an abstract accepted for presentation at the ADIPS ASM. The number and value of travel grants will be determined according to the number and suitability of applications and the funds available. Must be a financial member of ADIPS prior to closing date for applications. In addition to submitting the abstract, applicant should submit a brief CV and a supporting letter from his/her supervisor using the link below.  Enquiries can be directed to the ADIPS Secretariat at  Applications will be prioritised using abstract review scores. Present or prior winners of the Graz Clock Award are ineligible for this award. Applicants who live in the city/town of the ADIPS ASM are ineligible for a travel grant.
Value: Up to A$500 each grant at the ADIPS board’s discretion.

To apply CLICK HERE and upload your documents.   Please make one PDF of your support documents.


Applications and supporting documents for 2025 prizes will open early in 2025.



Grant applications for 2024 are now OPEN

Applications for the ADIPS-Novo Nordisk Research Grant is now OPEN.  This research grant is available in the broad areas of Clinical, Scientific or Education Research. This grant is an encouragement award in the field of Diabetes in Pregnancy and is for A$10,000. 

The grant funds may be suitable for pilot studies but are not intended to fund large scale projects or salaries.  Priority will be given to new investigators, novel submissions, and proposals which are not additional studies within existing funded projects. 

It is expected that projects will be completed within one year and that the successful applicants should undertake to present their findings at the ADIPS Annual Scientific Meeting in the following 1–2 years.

The applicants must be financial members of ADIPS. Check your membership is current or join now on the ADIPS website at

Submissions should be of no more than 2 pages (excluding references) and submitted online through the ADIPS website (link to load available shortly). They must indicate:

Grant Title

Grant Category (Clinical, Scientific or Educational)


Project details

Institution and contact

Significance of the project

A project budget

In addition, the following questions need to be answered:

Is this proposal a component or sub-study of a larger project with existing funding or where funding from another body has been sought

Name of the administering body.

Enquiries to:  Ms Suzie Neylon, ADIPS Executive Officer on Email:

The successful applicants will be notified by December 2024 with the funding available for projects to commence in the following January.

Applicants must be financial members of ADIPS.   Applications must be made online through the ADIPS website.  Applications should be no more than 2 x A4 pages plus references.  The application should be in PDF and attached to the online application.  Further enquiries should be directed to Ms Suzie Neylon, Executive Officer, ADIPS via email to 

APPLICATIONS for 2024 close on Monday 28 October 2024 at midnight.

Please submit your application HERE



We extend our gratitude to Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals for their ongoing support over many years of this grant scheme. 



Support for Grant Applications to External Organisations

In most cases, the ADIPS Board is unable to provide endorsement or letters of support for research grant applications. However, if there is a compelling and genuine collaboration that is in keeping with the aims and goals of ADIPS, then the Board is open to discussion and involvement in project development with at least three months’ notice prior to grant submission.”